Taxonomic Infestation Exhibition.

The Electronic Limbs of Rare Birds I & II, 2013

Wood, aluminium, paint, cotton fabric and steel mount.

80 x 50 x 40 cm (I), 60 x 30 x 30 cm (II)

The Electronic Limbs of Rare Birds I, 2013

Wood, aluminium, paint, cotton fabric and steel mount.

80 x 50 x 40 cm

The Electronic Limbs of Rare Birds II, 2013

Wood, aluminium, paint, cotton fabric and steel mount.

60 x 30 x 30 cm (II)

Releasing Toxins with the Aeroplanes, 2013

Silicone, fabric, oil paint, jewellery wire, found element and steel mount.

Approx. 20 x52 x 20

Underwater Cloud Freighting, 2013

Silicone, fabric, oil paint, jewellery wire, nickel, aluminium, plastic, wood and steel mount.

Approx. 60 x 27 x 27 cm

Testing for Shuttle-mites, 2013

Silicone, fabric, oil paint, shuttlecock, glass, plastic tube and steel mount.

Approx. 26 x 42 x 16 cm

The Tools of List Collectors, 2013

Stainless-steel, drafting-paper, oil paint, thread and plastic.

Approx. 10 x 5 x 5 cm

Punction Treatment, 2013

Silicone, fabric, oil paint, steel pins, found metal element and thread.

30 X 30 X 10 cm

Collaboration Installation of both Saara March and Michelle Day's work. 

Far right: 

Michelle Day

Dandelion Amo I, 2013

Found plastic elements, string and oil paint.

Michelle Day

Dandelion Amo II, 2013

Found elements, oil paint.

© Michelle Day. All Rights Reserved. Images may not be used without permission of the artist.